Fernley Branch Library was excited to join in the bicentennial celebration for President Abraham Lincoln's birth during the month of February! Our 16
th President would have been 200 years old on February 12, 2009. In his honor we have offered passive programs with a Lincoln theme for children in our community at the
Fernley Branch Library.
Kids let their artistic talents fly and drew beautiful happy birthday posters for the Abe themed bulletin board at the Library. The Friends of the the Fernley Library provided really cool scratch sheets for this project.

Also supplied by the Friends of the
Fernley Library were sculpting supplies with which children were encouraged to try their hand at sculpting a bust representing Mr. Lincoln. We ended up with several good Presidential busts and even a few freelance sculptures of different themes. The kids really enjoyed
getting their hands dirty and letting their creative sides loose @ their Library!

The staff at the Fernley Branch Library would like to extend a big THANK YOU to all of you who participated in our celebration! If you missed these exciting programs keep your eyes peeled we will be hosting many more. If you participated in this or other library programs leave us a comment and let us know what you think!
If you would like more information on the Lincoln bicentennial celebration visit his website: