We would like to extend a big THANK YOU to everyone who joined us today for our FREE resume and email workshop at the Fernley Branch Library! Also a big THANK YOU to Cheryl Cowans who generously volunteered her time to lead the workshop for us!
Today's workshop covered mostly introductory steps to writing a personal resume, handouts were provided with examples of resume styles and the types of things you should or should not include when writing your resume. We helped participants get their feet wet with building a resume on the computer using Microsoft Office, Word and touched on some ideas about emailing those documents to potential employers.
The class was such a success we will be working on ways to offer similar workshops on a regular basis at the Fernely Branch Library! Speak with one of our staff or email Jonnica, jlmcclur@clan.lib.nv.us, for more information to to let us know what type of computer help you would like to see @ your library!!